SSB Services Selection Board

SSB stands for Services Selection Board and is one of the most important exams for people who want to get into the Armed Forces of India.

The SSB is divided into two stages:

  • Stage 1: Screening 
  • And Stage 2: Final Selection Process 

Stage 1: Screening 

Part 1 : 

On the SSB examination’s Day 1st, every candidate has to give a screening test (Officers Intelligence Rating Test). Each student gets 50 to 55 questions that they have to answer on analytical, linguistic, and mathematical topics. 

Part 2 : 

Here comes the second part of Stage 1, in which candidates have to write a story based on a picture given to them. Further, within a group of 10 to 15 candidates, each member has to narrate the story to finalize 1 out of 15. 

Second Stage  

The second stage of SSB is more crucial, and only those who pass the first one go to Stage II. 

Part 1: 

The first task of Stage II is the psychological test to check your psychological skills. In this test, the interview will ask any normal questions or the ones related to different situations to check your logical ability.

Another important aspect is handwriting. simple and easy to understand writing is necessary. It helps make a good impression on the checker. 

Part 2: 

The Personal Interview round is essential for both stages. It is the main encounter between you and the interviewer. 

The interview will be with an officer only who would rate you based on your answers during the interaction. The questions asked by the officer would be essential that you do not need preparations for. If you have any interviews in your school or colleges, it would be very similar. They will ask about your aim, objectives and expectations from being an Armed Forces Officer. 

SSB Tasks

1. Physical Tasks 

Every candidate needs to start physical exercises before 2 to 3 months of their examination. Regular exercise will make you physically and mentally fit and will also promote good stamina during your actual test.

2. GTO Tasks 

GTO is the Group Testing Officer task in which candidates have to perform sports in groups of 10 or 15. You can practise leadership skills and must possess the well-being of every candidate as it will help you excel in GTO tasks. 

3. Communication Skills 

Good communication skills are important in each round of the examination. You can practise mock interview sessions with your friends or family and go through some good books to improve your grammar. 

You must have a clear vocal sound and possess confidence while giving answers to the interviewer. 

4. Newspapers for Current Affairs

The candidate must know what’s happening in the country and the significant issues. Daily newspaper reading is a must for a candidate and watching news channels. The interviewer does not want any deep insights, but they must know that you are familiar with the country’s fundamental issues. 

SSB (Service Selection Board) preparation at Dashmesh Academy

SSB (Service Selection Board) preparation at Dashmesh Academy likely includes comprehensive training to excel in the selection process for various defense services. Here are potential components of preparation:

  1. Psychological Tests: Coaching to tackle the psychological tests including Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Word Association Test (WAT), Situation Reaction Test (SRT), and Self-Description Test (SD).
  2. Interview Techniques: Guidance on facing the Personal Interview (PI) round emphasizing communication skills, leadership qualities, and clarity of thought.
  3. Group Discussion (GD) & Group Planning Exercise (GPE): Training on effective participation in group discussions and planning exercises, focusing on problem-solving, teamwork, and decision-making.
  4. Current Affairs & General Knowledge: Updates on current events, general knowledge, and national/international affairs to perform well in the written test and group discussions.
  5. Mock Tests & Simulations: Practice sessions simulating the process to familiarize candidates with the structure, timing, and nature of the assessments.
  6. Personality Development: Workshops or sessions to enhance personality traits like confidence, communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills.

The training at Dashmesh Academy likely aims to prepare candidates holistically, not just academically but also mentally and physically, to excel in the rigorous selection process of defense services.

You make yourself ready for the SSB up to 90% and more by going through all the points. All you need is to prepare for your exam with proper guidance, time management and dedication to be an Armed Officer of the country.